Dear authors and participants,
Here is the schedule for this year's edition of UbiMI'13 Ubiquitous Mobile Instrumentation. The workshop will be located at: ETH Zentrum - CAB G 52
We look forward to meet you and see you at UbiComp'13!
The UbiMI organizers,
Please note: Each author will present his workshop paper (up to 10 minutes), followed by a short (5 minutes) discussion.
September 8
Session 1
9-9:30 Prof. Vassilis Kostakos - Mobile Instrumentation in Academia
9:30-10 Dr. Jonna Häkkilä - Mobile Instrumentation in Industry
10-10:30 Q&A with keynote speakers
Session 2
11-11:15 Marshall, J.
Smartphone Sensing for Distributed Swim Stroke Coaching and Research
11:15-11:30 Üstev, Y.E., Ersoy, C. and Incel, O.D.
User, Device and Orientation Independent Human Activity Recognition on Mobile Phones: Challenges and a Proposal
11:30-11:45 Gamecho, B., Gardeazabal, L. and Abascal, J.
Combination and Abstraction of Sensors for Mobile Context-Awareness
11:45-12 Böhmer, M., Lander, C. and Krüger, A.
What's in the Apps for Context? Extending a Sensor for Studying App Usage to Informing Context-awareness
12-12:15 Bustos-Jiménez, J., Del Canto, G., Pereira, S., Lalanne, F., Piquer, J., Hourton, G., Cádiz, A. and Ramiro, V.
How AdkintunMobile Measured the World
12:15-12:30 Besaleva, L.I. and Weaver, A.C.
CrowdHelp: Application for Improved Emergency Response through Crowdsourced Information
Session 3
14:00-14:15 Gustarini, M., Ickin, S. and Wac, K.
Evaluation of Challenges in Human Subjects Studies "In-the-Wild" Using Subjects' Personal Smartphones
14:15-15:00 Q&A discussion amongst participants
15-15:30 AWARE: Introduction
Session 4
16-16:30 AWARE: Demo
16:30-18 AWARE: downloading, installing, setting up!
September 9
Session 1
9-10:30 AWARE: building blocks.
Session 2
11-12:30 AWARE: create, use, and reuse a Context Sensor / Plugin
Session 3
14-15:30 AWARE: create, use, and reuse a Context Provider
Session 4
16-18 AWARE Q&A and wrap-up.