The detailed program is included below, please contact us if you are unavailable to present at designated time. Each work has 10 minutes reserved for the presentation, with 2 extra minutes for questions afterwards. Link to each paper included in the program.
8:30 - 8:35 Opening words
8:35 - 10:00 Paper Session 1 (10 + 2 minute presentation)
- 8:35 Haladjian, Emis, Brügge, Plötz, Buschner: Supporting Rehabilitation After Hip Replacement with a Mobile Device Carried in a Pocket
- 8:50 Janko, Lustrek: Energy-Efficient Data Collection for Context Recognition
- 9:05 Ferreira, Ferreira: Towards Altruistic Data Quality Assessment for Mobile Sensing
- 9:20 Castro, Gutierrez, Rodriguez, Ruiz: Towards Context of Quality in Mobile Sensing Campaigns
- 9:35 Luo, Koski, Korhonen, Goncalves, Anagnostopoulos, Konomi, Klakegg, Kostakos: Rapid Clock Synchronisation for Ubiquitous Sensing Services Involving Multiple Smartphones
- 9:50 Zhao, Zhao, Zhao, Luo, Huang, Li, Pan: Characterizing a User from Large-scale Smartphone-sensed Data
10:00 - 10:30 Coffee break
10:30 - 12:15 Paper Session 2 (10 + 2 minute presentation)
- 10:30 Sharma, Lee: AudioSense - Sound Based Hand Trajectory Tracing System
- 10:45 Zarsenbayeva, Ferreira, van Berkel, Luo, Väisänen, Kostakos, Goncalves: Vision-Based Happiness Inference: A Feasibility Case-Study
- 11:00 Huttunen, Halonen, Koskimäki: Exploring Use of Wearable Sensors to Identify Early Symptoms of Migraine Attack & Koskimäki, Mönttinen, Siirtola, Huttunen, Halonen, Röning: Early Detection of Migraine Attacks Based on Wearable Sensors - Experiences of Data Collection using Empatica E4 (joint presentation of both works)
- 11:25 Koskimäki, Siirtola, Keskitalo, Luovinen, Luoto, Ahola, Korpelainen, Jämsä, Röning: Computer Game and Wearable Sensors Based Approach to Promote Physical Activity for Young Men
- 11:40 Purta, Striegel: Estimating Dining Hall Usage Using Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons
- 11:55 Patil, Gao, Li, Jin: CamBP: A Camera-Based, Non-Contact Blood Pressure Monitor
12:10 - 13:45 Lunch break
13:45 - 15:00 Group work
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break
15:30 - 16:00 Group work
16:00 - 17:00 Discussion
17:30 - Workshop dinner
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